Secular Humanism
There was a time when religious beliefs shaped the way we thought about the world, defined who we are, and guided us in our relationships. Most of all, it shaped the way we thought about death. Not anymore. Such beliefs have been replaced by theories that come from the social sciences, economics, and from political and psychological theories as well. In her book Is Reality Secular?, Mary Poplin writes that “all these theories have been highly influenced by secular humanism.” p127 Basically, it means that we are all that there is and it is up to us to determine the outcomes of our lives. Human reason replaces the influence of any religious principles or any supernatural influences. Her book was written in 2014. Since then much has been written supporting secular humanism.
One of the problems Christians face in dealing with secular humanism is the word humanism itself. Jesus tells us to be kind, to be loving and forgiving of one another. Secular humanism says basically the same thing. However, in his book, A Christian Manifesto, Francis Schaeffer makes the courageous statement that the “only way we can change the course of history is to return to the Word of God.” This flies full in the face of the principle of Protagoras–Man is the principle of all things–the basic principle of secular humanism.
Schaeffer’s call to return to the Word of God means challenging head-on how secular humanism and hedonism (physical desires in and of themselves) have reshaped our thinking concerning gender definition, marriage between a male and a female and more importantly what the Word of God means by being guided by the Spirit into becoming fruitful.
It was after Christ’s death and resurrection that His promise of a comforter would be poured out upon His disciples. (see Acts 2:1-13) It was there that those first Christians came to realize that Jesus was not going to change the world through any form of force but through the power to forgive sins.
If we go back to the time of creation, as recorded in the Word of God, it was God who said “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness. . . ” Genesis 1:26 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27
Then come the controversial words, fill the earth and subdue it. Genesis 1:28 We were never created to be brute animals; we were created to participate with God in His plan. Considering our becoming aware of the skills, knowledge and insights we have developed, it is tempting to step in and fix things. What needs to “fixed,” can’t be done that way because of the sin in us.
But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior. Titus 3:4-6
Our patterns of thinking must be changed. The danger in secular humanistic thinking is that it is all-consuming and conclusive, but it is not. Paul tells us, Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2
The weakness in secular humanism or all the other “isms” is the presumption that there is no God other than man himself. The Psalmist tells us that only a fool thinks that way. Psalm 41:1 Even Aldous Huxley openly admitted that his disbelief in God was motivated by his desire to avoid moral restraints. “Why should a God demand anything of me?” There is no valid reason why I should not be able to do what I want to do especially as it pertains to one’s sexual freedoms.
That is the depths of meaninglessness that secular humanism has plummeted many into.
When Paul tells us that our minds have to undergo a complete renewal, it is for the very reason that life does not become totally suicidal, pointless and meaningless.
The renewal of the mind comes when the Holy Spirit speaks to us of the purpose of our lives that existed before time even began. This can only happen when we begin to read God’s Holy Word. The greatness of those who encourage us to look at the world, not through the lens of the world but through the Word of God, lies in their encouraging us to turn away from the world and to the Word of God. Dr. Francis Schaeffer is just one example of people like that.
I encourage you to turn to God’s Word. Schaeffer’s 25 Basic Bible Studies would be a helpful resource in drawing you into the Word of God. Once you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior through His Word all the powers of the Triune God will lead you into living fruitful lives according to his good, pleasing and perfect will.