Happy Ever After
It’s a fairy tale phrase that refers to a happy ending, a wish extended to a couple just married. How long these unions last is not magical, subject as these unions are to circumstances beyond one’s control. The unions remain important.
The reason why is because this “fairy tale thing” is ordained by God, meaning He caused it to be. It was God who created a human, Adam–first man. It was God who decided Adam should have a helper, Eve “The mother of life.” Scriptures tell us they disobeyed God. But then it was God who ordained, through a teenage woman named Mary, the birth of a Son called Jesus who would rescue His Father’s people from an eternal death without Him.
Now at ninety one years of age, having lived as a married couple for seventy of those years, we have absolutely no idea who will leave the table of our earthly presence first, which includes our four children, their children and their children.
We have often gathered at the table to celebrate various occasions and feasted on food appropriate for the occasions. At the table of His Holy Word we are offered all eternity with God fed to us through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Most assuredly, by the faith given to us through His Holy Word, His love, grace, and mercy heeds our daily cries for forgiveness. At His table at the altar, Christ comes to assure us that He has heard our cries for mercy in His loving presence in the bread and wine.
It is through this assurance we come by faith to know that God has adopted us into His family. A place for all of us who accept His offer has been set at the table of His eternal feast of joy forever after.