Join our Meditations on the Seasons
Join us as we meditate together on the one true God who is present in all the seasons of our lives.
Partners in Publishing
We both grew up in Christian homes. Lucille received her Christian training in Old Westbrook Lutheran Church in Westbrook, Minnesota. Kenneth received his Christian education at Zion Lutheran Church in Bone Lake, Wisconsin. We are the parents of four children. We have sixteen grandchildren and eleven great grandchildren as of July 29th, 2024. Lucille was a high school teacher in English, typing, and business. Prior to this, she had been a highly respected secretary to executives in Lutheran Institutions. She has always loved reading and has remarkable skills in editing. Ken was a pastor for 45 years, a psychotherapist for 42 years, and an adjunct clinical professor in a medical school for 40 years.
Our Books
- Simple Faith, 2010; 200 pages
- Heavens This Way, 2014; 165 pages
- Beyond Ourselves , 2015; 152 pages
- Beyond Time, 2018; 410 pages
- Johannes Motterud Family, 2005; 128 pages
- Returning, 2006; 310 pages
- Mimi and Nels, 2008; 502 pages
- Swenson Family History, 2010; 132 pages
Letters From Home, 2012; 380 pages
This is the story of two men and two women who came to America in their 20s having never met in Norway. They meet in Minnesota and Syver marries Ingeborg and Nels marries Anna Marie.
A Psalm of Gratefulness, 2006; 112 pages
The book is about a farm boy who loved singing. With the guidance of loving voice teachers, Ella Hjertaas Roe and Edith Byquist Norberg he received many awards. Among them was winning third place in the Midwest Regional Opera Auditions that included over 1,200 final contestants from regions of Canada, Minnesota, the Dakotas, Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana and Illinois.