Let Him Love You

We have been made in the image of God with amazing minds, emotions, and imaginations.  The problem is that these can work against us with thoughts of always having to measure up to something or someone, including ourselves. Because the God who has made us is a personal God, His love demands nothing of us.…

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Honest Love

The Scriptures overflow with the promises of God’s unfathomable love. The thirty-first chapter of Jeremiah is just one example. “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” Jeremiah 31:3 This is a love that springs from the depths of God’s being. God promises joy. He will restore us. …

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The Final Outcome

Blue sky with fluffy clouds and the top of green foliage

We wait for the outcomes of surgeries, elections, games, applications and relationships.  But what happens to us after we die?  Is an afterlife a philosophical question we toss around in our minds? I have come to believe that the answer to that lies in what we believe love is. The Apostle Paul tells us that…

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A New Year’s Resolution

Most New Year’s resolutions are about breaking a bad habit.  Sin is like a bad habit from which you cannot free yourself. It’s the guilt and shame of the sin, the sin of past mistakes, some very foolish, others unwise and still others go on to destroy life. This is called the sting of death.…

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In Just Three Days

Blue sky with fluffy clouds and the top of green foliage

What a difference three days can make. Two men who had been eye-witnesses to the crucifixion of Jesus were now heading home when they were joined by this one who out of nowhere started walking with them. “So what have you two gentlemen been talking about?” Stopped in their tracks by his question, Cleopas turns…

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Truly, Truly


Feel the anguish in these words Jesus often spoke.  ‘Truly, truly, I say to you.”  Jesus said this to let the world know that He was sent by God because there is no lasting truth in this world.  Thus any attempt on our part to declare truth by announcement is a deception.      Truth, by…

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To Know His Love

Waves crashing on rocky cliffs

If I say “I am a Christian,” what proof do I have to show the world that I am? Francis Schaeffer was answering that question as the 20th century came to a close.  Because of the divisiveness, the world being at odds over ideologies, languages, nationalities, ages and colors, plus the Christian church’s own divisiveness,…

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One Faith

Blue sky with fluffy clouds and the top of green foliage

There are no distant lands anymore; we are just one world. The story of the Tower of Babel in the Word of God is a lesson in mankind’s prideful pursuit of its own natural and gradual control of this world. Global is not a new term; it was there in the mind of King Nebuchadnezzar.…

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The Supremacy of God

Top of the green foliage in front of a snowy mountain

Daily God is doing new things in new ways to answer the needs we must now face in these new times. But the all-encompassing truth is that throughout these changing times God does not change. He remains supreme and His supremacy is made known to us through His Word. God’s Goodness Never Changes Give thanks…

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A New Life

Red autumn leaves in on a tree in front of tall green trees

Every morning we wake up to the same person we were when we went to sleep. And too many of us are unsatisfied with the person that we are. As a result we end up becoming victims of our own dissatisfaction. Victimhood As a result of our natural natures we become victims of our own…

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