The Biblical Meaning of Marriage

As a retired psychotherapist I would be inclined to speak of marriage in psychological terms using words and phrases that are supported by research. As a pastor, which I am, I am constrained by the Word of God to speak of marriage in terms of the Word of God. I respect the professions of each.…

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Faithful to the Word

Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation. Psalm 71:18 Age means nothing; truth remains forever. It is the eternal Word of God that remains.  That Word informs us that the next generation depends completely on its parents to declare to…

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The Sacred Domain of Marriage

When a male and female, a husband and a wife cannot see beyond themselves, that marriage will be destroyed by their own authority. Marriage was designed to be complimentary. In her book, God’s Design for Man and Woman, Margaret Kostenberger writes that even after The Fall, God never left us. He remains the final authority…

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Come Quickly Lord Jesus

To Tell the Truth was an American television show. Four celebrities were presented with three contestants. The announcer would describe one of the contestant’s unusual occupations. By asking each contestant a number of questions, the celebrities would write down their choice. Then the announcer would ask the real person with the occupation to stand up.…

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Is Every Christian and Disciple?

I was reading in the 10th chapter of Matthew where Jesus was giving instructions to those first disciples. Heal the sick and drive out demons. Don’t pack any suitcases; scrounge food along the way. If they don’t listen to you, leave ‘em and move on.  “Shake the dust off your feet” was the expression Jesus…

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They have a right to know

My father read the Bible to the neighbor boy; all of his grandchildren lived far away. We find it the same for our great-grandchildren; most live far distances from us. The truth is none of us are getting any younger. As each day passes, we often miss the opportunity to tell them about Jesus. We…

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Living Boldly in a Fallen World

We are living in a fallen world; a world ravaged by sin; a world into which Jesus brings to our remembrance the distance we have fallen from our first love. Revelation 2:5  That love Jesus states in the form of a commandment.  “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul.” Matthew…

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Resting In Jesus

Ninety some years ago the Sunday’s of my youth were quiet–no phones, no games, no television, a quiet hard to imagine. There was the absence of striving and more of listening.  There was church, of course, a time set aside for listening to the Word of God often preached in terms of the sovereign rule…

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With One Voice

As of late I am struck by the masterful ways in which we glorify ourselves and demonize others. When in the course of events we all live daily on the edge of disaster:  natural disasters, the perils of Satan, the dangers of our own flesh and the inevitable wrath of God that awaits us all.…

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One Holy Nation

When we use the word “nation,” we usually are referring to a country like Sweden, China, the UK or the United States.  When Peter writes of a holy nation, (1 Peter 2:7) he is referring to a people transformed into God’s chosen people. Peter calls them a royal priesthood.  Do Peter’s words pertain only to…

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