Heaven’s Irresistible Appeal

We are a people who have come to believe that we not only can gain access to anything, but we have a right to everything.  This has produced an anxious people, especially the young. Jonathan Haidt’s new book The Anxious Generation  describes the result—a people that believe they can be many places at once as…

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One Holy God

I can actually remember reading by lamplight, doing my thing in an outdoor toilet; there were no telephones, experiences my greatgrandchildren can’t even imagine. The iPhone came in 2007. In all too many cases this is reality to them. I downloaded a recent interview with Dr.Groothuis regarding his book The Soul in Cyberspace, written back…

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Whence Repentance?

As a boy of eight during the Second World War, I was affected by the evil that the Nazi’s inflicted on their enemies. Even to this day some eighty years later, truths are being revealed about that time. Alex Kershaw published a book entitled Avenue of Spies, August 4, 2015. It is about an American…

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The Story of Jesus

In an age such as ours it is easy to get distracted by the effect of the noises around us. Telling the story of Jesus depends on the ability of the teller “to bind the ‘ears of the heart’ to the words of higher heavenly truth” as one writer says. In an age like ours,…

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Dying in Christ

C. S. Lewis wrote in Time and Beyond Time that there are things that exist beyond time that apply to each one of us. However, it was in the 20th century that philosophers like Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844-1900, questioned the existence of God. His father was a German Lutheran preacher who died when Nietzsche was four.…

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Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth begins when one accepts Jesus Christ as the true Son of God. From there on true spirituality becomes the process of sanctification being done in us. The work of Francis A. Schaeffer has been extremely helpful in explaining the ways this process can take place in each of us.

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When the Family Worships God

“Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”John 4:13-14 Family worship carries us through a world that is hostile to God. Samaria was hostile…

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Happy Ever After

It’s a fairy tale phrase that refers to a happy ending, a wish extended to a couple just married. How long these unions last is not magical, subject as these unions are to circumstances beyond one’s control. The unions remain important. The reason why is because this “fairy tale thing” is ordained by God, meaning…

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Christian Fellowship in the 21st Century

In his book, The Shallows, Nicholas Carr quotes David Levi as saying “Today, more information is available to us [through the internet] than ever before but there is less time to make use of it—specifically to make use of it with any depth of reflection. Tomorrow it will be worse.” Carr gives credit for the…

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Secular Humanism

There was a time when religious beliefs shaped the way we thought about the world, defined who we are, and guided us in our relationships.  Most of all, it shaped the way we thought about death. Not anymore. Such beliefs have been replaced by theories that come from the social sciences, economics, and from political…

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